User Research Manager (Contractor) ID156478
上海徐汇区  | 5-10年  | 本科  | 社招
Job Description

We are looking for an experienced UX researcher to join our team. You will be responsible for helping define and drive the future of our products. You will reveal what our users need from our products by conducting research, working with cross-functional teams, and performing usability studies. These responsibilities also include inspiring change, delivering oral and written presentations, evaluating qualitative and quantitative data, and helping the UX/Product team better understand what would make a user’s experience more intuitive, accessible, and seamless.

- Conduct primary and secondary user research.
- Conduct and evaluate quantitative and qualitative research.
- Perform market and ethnographic research.
- Work closely with cross-functional teams to identify and evaluate research topics.
- Plan and implement user research strategies and methodologies.
- Advocate research findings to diverse audiences through written and oral presentations.
- Mentor and coach junior UX researchers and Product people about user research process.
- Perform usability studies with consumers.
- Ask questions, gather data, and analyze data.
- Use a diverse set of UX research tools.

- Five or more years of UX research experience
- Bachelor’s or MS in a human behavior related field (or equivalent and demonstrable work experience) is preferred
- Ability to quickly and effectively share research results
- Ability to perform all research-related tasks including research, planning, evaluating, and iteration
- Ability to formulate specific, answerable, and practical questions
- Ability to collaborate effectively with stakeholders and act as a strategic partner in product decisions
- Experience with remote testing tools
- A strong desire for creative problem-solving with a positive attitude
- Excellent time-management skills
- Excellent communicator – both oral and written.
- Proven ability to multi-task and drive results in a dynamic, fast paced environment.
- Strong interpersonal, planning, organization, and teamwork skills.

上海-徐汇区淮海中路999号 - 环贸广场办公楼一期
丝芙兰Sephora由Dominique Mandonnaud于1969年在法国创立,截止目前在35个国家拥有超过2600家门店,是享誉全球的高端美妆零售业巨擘。丝芙兰深耕中国市场15年,截止2020年9月全国已开设260多家门店,遍布70多个城市,在行业内率先布局了十分完善的全渠道电商零售体系,线上渠道涵盖官方网上商城、APP、微信小程序、天猫、天猫国际和京东等旗舰店,已覆盖全国800多个城镇。丝芙兰紧贴美妆潮流风向,以专业积累洞察消费需求,致力甄选国际知名大品牌,并孵化新锐小众品牌,以更丰富多元的产品,为中国消费者提供更适合的美妆体验。在丝芙兰,消费者不受时空维度限制,无论何时何地,皆可自由探索美力。