Nagarro is one of the world’s fastest growing company with over 19,000 employees in 36 countries.
Diverse and loyal blue–chip customer base, 1,000+ customers across 63 countries. Our customers come from following industries: Automotive, Manufacturing, Financial Services and Insurance, Retail and CPG, Public, Non-profit, Education, Travel and Logistics, Energy, Utilities and Building Automation, Life Sciences and Healthcare, Telecom, Media and Entertainment.
We work across the technology and tools landscape. Focused on solutions. The areas mentioned here are those where we are continuously developing game-changing solutions for our clients. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, IoT & Industrial Automation, Accelerated Quality & Test Engineering, Cloud & Digital Enablement, User Experience Design, DevOps & Infra-Ops, Marketing Tech, Assisted & Augmented Reality, Consumer Experience.
Caring is at the heart of our values, Caring means “Client-centric”, “ Agile”, “responsible”, “Intelligence”, “ Non-Hierarchical” and “ Global”.

我们熟练驾驭各种技术和工具,专注于为客户提供优质解决方案。我们擅长的领域:人工智能 & 机器学习、物联网 & 工业自动化、质量工程和测试工程、云与数字化赋能-数字化转型、用户体验设计、开发运维DevOps&基础设施运维Infra-Ops、数字化营销解决方案、辅助现实与增强现实、消费与消费者体验。
Caring是我们的核心价值观,由以下几个词汇的首字母组成:以客户为中心(Client-centric), 敏捷(Agile), 责任(Responsible), 智慧(Intelligent), 非等级化(Non-hierarchical), 全球化(Global)。Caring代表着我们对客户的承诺,并指导着我们的行动,塑造了我们的企业文化。
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