一、我们是谁(Who Are We)
我们是福美控股,成立于2008年,是行业的高科技企业,专注于研发以econiclay 生态环境材料为核心的创新产品,致力于为企业和组织提供碳中和材料解决方案。秉承开创精神,我们不断紧跟时代步伐, 提供可持续发展的材料解决方案,迎接地球上不断涌现的新挑战。
Founded in 2008, we are a high-tech company, focusing on the development of innovative products with econiclay eco-environmental materials as the core, and committed to providing enterprises and organizations with carbon neutral material solutions. In our pioneering spirit, we continue to keep pace with the time, providing sustainable material solutions to meet the new challenges that continue to emerge on the planet.
二、我们的使命(Our Mission)
We use modern technology in the digital age, combined with traditional craftsmanship, to create sustainable, green, and design-inspiring zero-carbon materials for the people we care about.
三、我们的价值观(Our Values)
As an econiclay eco-materials technology pioneer, we provide our partners with material solutions and material knowledge to enable this material to benefit the world, thus opening up unlimited room for product optimization and new application possibilities. We therefore see this as a special responsibility towards society and the future of humanity.
四、我们的愿景(Our Vision)
Work with more partners through materials technology to build a sustainable world. We believe that it is human nature to make the best living world we can, starting with the first huts of ancient times and ending with the most livable human habitation of the future. Therefore, we will develop the materials for this human nature, from econiclay, to information photoelectric materials.
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