EC Intern
上海静安区  | 本科  | 5天/周  | 实习
Job Description
This role will support the whole EC Team, including:

- Assist the team in monitoring sales and traffic performance and prepare weekly and monthly reports.

- Work closely with store and logistics teams to assist in managing inventory and sample logistics activities.

- Learn to use the Dior merchandising system and learn the Excel features necessary for the purchasing team.

- Competitor research: Stay up to date with competitor activity and industry trends.
EC Operation

- Overall operation of the e-commerce platform, including docking with the warehouse/customer service specific product information checking

- Payment support (PO, client refund, payment progress follows up etc.)

- Daily Op data request support (OMS data)
Performance Media

- Monitor media plans & media ads.

- Conduct market research to collect media & competitor data.

- Prepare reports by compiling & refining market data.
Job Requirements

1.5 days per week for 6 months

2.Strong interest in luxury and e-commerce industry, with relevant internship experience is preferred.

3.Able to handle large amounts of data (Excel proficient) and patient to handle detailed work.

4.Quick learner and strong stress resistance

5.Excellent English reading and writing skills.

6.Interest in following advertising and media trends

上海-静安区锦沧文华广场JC Plaza
一九四七年二月十二日,迪奥先生(Christian Dior)以其第一个高级订制系列改变了国际公认的优雅符号。这年他四十二岁。当迪奥先生踏上这一崭新的人生旅途时,他没有意识到,等待他的是非常特殊的命运:他即将大获成功,一鸣惊人,蜚声海外,用梦想和魅力打造无法效仿的独特风格,在世界上留下自己的烙印。短短几年,迪奥品牌就成为了奢华、优雅和精湛的象征。迪奥先生将其个人视角中的美丽与快乐,远远超出了时装的范畴。他深爱并再现了源自巴黎风格、植根于欧洲历史的高雅生活方式,并以这一伟大传统为根基,创办了迪奥公司(House of Dior),将其变成奢华的最终标志。今天,迪奥的传统在才华横溢的继承者身上得到发扬光大,并富有感情与创造性地与迪奥先生的精神紧密结合。