商贸/进出口 |私营/民营企业|1-49人
宁波巢上国际贸易有限公司是公司为独立运营 Tree Nest 这个品牌而专门设立的;其姐妹公司已经有近20年的贸易经验并全资运营一家制造工厂,工厂占地6000多平方
Ningbo Tree Nest international Trade Co. Ltd was built to run the brand of Tree Nest; its sister company has around 20 years history and operate its own facility too for more than 6000 m2
- 在全球10个以上国家注册了商标,
Registering its brand in 10+ countries
- 在行业细分领域中,被越来越多的客户评价为全球范围内的创新领先
A world's innovation leading brand in the industry
- 品牌在近8年的坚持下,已经展现出强大的生命力,进入快速发展的窗口期
Entering a fast lane for development after 8 years,
- 绝大部分的产品是原创设计,设计灵感来自建筑,家具,酒店等;并申请 了大量的外观专利
Innovation is the soul and the inspiration is from the furniture, hotel, buildings around the world; at the same time, a worldwide design protection.
- 所有的营销素材,包括照片,样本,网站,广交会摊位甚至邮件签名,都由荷兰团队设计;完全是国际范的风格;运营理念完全超越众多中国小微外贸企业
All marketing material including the experience photo, collection book, website, fair booth are developed by the team from The Netherlands. Its unique international style is being accepted by the worldwide customers; and we are proud to say that our concept exceeds many similar companies in China
- 公司创始人以及整个团队坚持学习,坚持运动;2020年团队的年度重阳徒步记录是 50KM
The team insists studying new things and sporting. A highlight is the team achieved an awesome record of 50KM in 2020 hiking
In spite a lot of uncertainty in 2023, we trust we have a big potential; if you have some interviewing, we trust Tree Nest will offer you a unique experience.
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鄞州区沧海路588号绿园大厦1503室 (邮编:315000)