Kids II, Inc. is a global consumer goods company that designs products & holistics solutions to help early-stage parents and families create tiny wins that build bright futures. The Kids II brand portfolio includes the ******* infant, baby, and toddler brands Baby Einstein™, Bright Starts™, and Ingenuity™. Headquartered in Atlanta, Kids II spans globally with 15 offices in five continents serving customers in more than 90 countries and has been inventing and reinventing baby products for nearly 50 years. Led by CEO Ryan Gunnigle, it operates with an agile start-up approach, which fosters the company's growing success. For more information, visit **************/about-kids-ii.
Website : ********************
Headquarters Atlanta, GA

Founded 1969
Design, Baby, Infant & Toddler products, Innovation, Leadership, Consumer products, Toy products, Baby Gear, disruption, product development, Parenting, and Parenthood
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