塞拉尼斯公司是化学特种材料生产领域的全球技术佼佼者,也是差异化化学解决方案的先进提供商。公司总部设在美国德克萨斯州达拉斯,目前在全球约有 8500 名员工。2021 年净销售收入达到 85 亿美元。我们的产品被广泛应用于工业和消费品领域。我们的业务充分利用塞拉尼斯广博的化学、技术和业务专长为客户、员工、股东和公司 自身创造价值。我们不仅与客户精诚合作,满足其迫切需求,而且也致力于通过塞拉尼斯基金为社区和世界播撒积极 影响。欲了解更多塞拉尼斯公司信息和其全球产品供应,敬请登录公司网站 ********************
Celanese Corporation is a global chemical leader in the production of differentiated chemistry solutions and specialty materials used in most major industries and consumer applications. Based in Dallas, Celanese employs approximately 8,500 employees worldwide and had 2021 net sales of $8.5 billion. Our businesses use the full breadth of Celanese's global chemistry, technology and commercial expertise to create value for our customers, employees, shareholders and the corporation. As we partner with our customers to solve their most critical business needs, we strive to make a positive impact on our communities and the world through The Celanese Foundation. For more information about Celanese Corporation and its product offerings, visit *****************
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