Group Manager Product Description & Layout
上海静安区  | 10年  | 本科  | 社招
Hello future group manager,

Are you ready for an inspiring, exciting and challenging leadership journey where you are in the driver seat to build and shape a new organization? Then you are the candidate to join our management team. For both you and us, we cherish an inclusive, diverse and transparent environment in the organization. We also challenge and push ourselves to the limit of challenges, to achieve great results together as one strong management team. This position will give you a rewarding work, international experience and a unique possibility to build a new organization.
The department Enablement at Scania R&D Asia is an organization which is responsible for the whole vehicle validation, project office, product description and layout. We create cross-functional frameworks and methods for developing, verifying and validating the complete vehicle. We are now searching for a manager for the group Product Description and Layout. This team is working with:

• Layout investigations and geometrical assurance on complete vehicle

• Developing and maintaining the product structure

• Dimensional engineering

• Creating digital test vehicles and specifications for test vehicles

• Following up and document the overall weight and dimensions of the complete vehicle

This role will give you a unique opportunity understand the complete vehicle and give you a broad network within Research & Development and other cross-functions. The organization is under build up in China and you will be based as a manger in Rugao, China.
Your role

You will be a group manager for a team of product coordinators and layout engineers. You will be responsible for developing the individuals and team towards our needs in the product road map in terms of processes, methods, recruitment and competence development.

You will also be responsible to lead the daily operations in the team and help the team to set plans and goals to reach long term objectives. Therefore you need to be able to navigate well between details and totality.
Your profile

To be successful in this role, you need to have previous experience as leader within hardware and/or embedded systems software development. You are a strong team player and a natural leader, who want to continuously develop your leadership. You are enthusiastic and you can see people and their possibilities.

Furthermore, you need to be strong in building teams, lead cross-functional work, be communicative, take initiative and show drive to act. You need to have a clear goal and work intentionally to reach that.

You are fluent in English and have an engineering degree (bachelor or master level).


上海-静安区凯德·星贸 Capital Square
斯堪尼亚是交通运输解决方案提供商,我们致力于与我们的客户和合作伙伴一起携手,向可持续交通系统的转变。2018年,我们向客户交付了88,000台卡车、8,500辆巴士以及12,800台工业和船用发动机;净销售额达到1,371.26亿瑞典克朗,与上一年度相比增长11%。盈收达到138.32亿瑞典克朗。斯堪尼亚成立于1891年,业务遍及100 多个国家和地区,全球员工约52,000名。
研发中心位于瑞典,并在巴西和印度设立分支机构。生产部门集中在欧洲、拉美和亚洲,同时在非洲、亚洲和欧亚大陆也有区域生产中心。斯堪尼亚为TRATON SE的成员企业之一。