Logistics Manager ID162481
沈阳铁西区  | 10年  | 本科  | 社招
Key Responsibilities
1. In charge of material and production planning based on customer daily, weekly & rolling forecast

2. Responsible for organizing the company's material ordering plan according to customers' predicted needs

3. Responsible for material inventory control, management and optimization

4. Responsible for ensuring delivery of customer orders on time

5. Responsible for internal and external logistics management of the company, as well as regional equipment and facilities management of logistics

6. Responsible for logistics equipment management of the company and customers

7. Responsible for the establishment, maintenance and improvement of departmental systems and systems

8. Responsible for personnel management of the department and coordinating the relationship between the department and other departments of the company

9. Through daily management and improvement to reduce warehouse energy consumption

10. Customer Duty management

11. Oversea materials transportation control

12. Regular customer order review

13. Other work assigned by company leaders
Job Requirements

1. Knowledge of business management and financial management

2. Proficient in SAP, ERP and other related system operation skills

3. Master logistics knowledge, including knowledge of import and export goods

4. Understand the requirements of vehicle and parts development and project management

5. Proficient in computer and office software

6. Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading and writing

7. Bachelor degree or above, major in logistics engineering or trade management

8. More than 8 years working experience in auto parts production enterprises

9. At least 5 years working experience in similar position, must have JIS supply management experience

格拉默集团是全球商用车座椅的领导者,总部位于德国安贝格,有100多年的座椅制造经验,在20个国家设立了50多个子公司或合资公司。为全球客户提供完美的座椅解决方案,产品主要配套客户有:梅赛德斯-奔驰,达夫曼,斯堪尼亚,依维柯,沃尔沃,雷诺,艾瓦客车,索拉瑞斯客车,大宇客车,伊萨客车,马可波罗客车等知名企业。 格拉默集团在中国有6家全资子公司,分别位于长春、北京、天津、上海、江苏、陕西等6个城市,亚太区总部位于上海浦东新区。格拉默的主要产品包括:商用车座椅系统和汽车内饰(中央控制台、座椅扶手、座椅头枕)等关键零部件产品。 格拉默车辆座椅(江苏)有限公司、格拉默车辆座椅(陕西)有限公司和格拉默车辆座椅(天津)有限公司属于格拉默集团商用车事业部,主要为商用车企业提供非道路机械、卡车、客车及铁路座椅。 格拉默车辆内饰(上海)有限公司、格拉默车辆内饰(长春)有限公司和格拉默车辆内饰(北京)有限公司是隶属于格拉默集团乘用车事业部,主要为乘用车企业汽车内饰(中央控制台、座椅扶手、座椅头枕)等关键零部件产品。