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1. 负责来访人员登记以及信件包裹收发与登记
2. 负责办公室日常行政事务,包括办公用品管理,文档管理,差旅管理等
3. 协助办理外籍人员的商务签证及工作居留许可证
4. 协助处理公司人事事务,包括按要求搜寻简历,对已收简历进行登记与筛选,与外服保持联络,协助做好员工入职离职手续等
5. 协助策划组织员工活动,如团建,年会等
6. 其他日常行政人事工作
7. 完成上级交办的其他工作

1. 工作细致认真,责任心强
2. 具有良好的人际沟通能力与团队精神
3. 可以再压力下工作
4. 熟练使用办公软件
5. 大学英语四级以上,具有良好的英语运用能力

CRISIL Global Research & Analytics (GRA) is the largest, ***-ranked provider of high end research and analytics services to the world's ********commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, corporations, consulting firms, private equity players and asset management firms. CRISIL GRA operates from research centers in Argentina, China, India and Poland, providing research support across several time zones and in multiple languages to global organizations.
The CRISIL GRA team has deep expertise in the areas of equity research, fixed income research (covering economies, 150 sectors and over 3000 companies across the globe), valuations, pricing complex derivatives, structured finance, risk management, actuarial analysis and business intelligence. This expertise enables our clients to enhance revenues, accelerate their time to market, take pricing decisions and improve operational efficiencies.
Being part of the CRISIL platform enables CRISIL GRA to attract and retain ****quality talent. CRISIL GRA has over 2,000 employees, 75% of whom hold advanced degrees in finance, accounting and management. It has the largest teams of equity research analysts and derivative analysts, outside of investment banks and the largest team of fixed income/credit analysts, outside of banks/rating agencies.
CRISIL GRA has served more than 500 firms over the last decade. Our clients include:
a) 12 of the *** 15 global investment banks
b) 2 of the *** 10 global consulting groups
c) 3 of the ****10 global asset management companies
d) 3 of the ****15 global insurance companies
e) Several Fortune 500 companies
CRISIL GRA includes Irevna and Pipal Research, firms which were acquired by CRISIL. For more information, please visit **************/gra