Procurement Interior
北京大兴区  | 社招

As buyer, you will be central contact for all commercial and sourcing activities of local projects in cooperation with our development, product team, project team, legal and JV partners, etc..
You will be responsible to ensure timely implementation of purchasing for related topics.
You need to ensure the creation of RFQ collecting comprehensive input from internal partners.
You will carry out short visits to potential suppliers, develop and align sourcing strategies, lead negotiations, support nominations and contracts.
You will need to create and work on a local market map of those Chinese suppliers, with their technical trends and capabilities, to ensure the full competition.

Task Description

- Support Mercedes-Benz supplier development, strategies alignment, nomination and contract for supplier base optimization.
- Working together with JV purchasing department, JV operation and cost control department, Engineering department and other project related departments for sourcing, cost optimization, contract negotiation and change management.
- Communication with suppliers, handling issues with high complexity, holding technical workshops and discuss technical driven issues with engineers in China from purchasing point of view.
- Supplier management, screening, evaluation and continuous improvement of purchasing process.
- Prepare and present decision and sourcing documents to management meetings.

Bachelor or above degree in Automotive,  Engineering or Management and Administration area.

Minimal 4 years working experiences in procurement area, automotive components of interior, seating system or E/E experiences is preferred.

Strong communication and negotiation capabilities.

Good English (speaking and writing) language skill, able to read/write/speak German is preferred.

Good computer skills (Microsoft office etc)

Highly motivated and proactive working attitude, good industrial management thinking is preferred.


Mercedes-Benz Group at a glance
Mercedes-Benz Group AG is one of the world's most successful automotive companies. With Mercedes-Benz AG, the Group is one of the ******* global suppliers of premium and luxury cars and vans. Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG offers financing, leasing, car subscription and car rental, fleet management, digital services for charging and payment, insurance brokerage, as well as innovative mobility services.
The company founders, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, made history by inventing the automobile in 1886. As a pioneer of automotive engineering, Mercedes-Benz sees shaping the future of mobility in a safe and sustainable way as both a motivation and obligation. The company's focus therefore remains on innovative and green technologies as well as on safe and superior vehicles that both captivate and inspire. Mercedes-Benz continues to invest systematically in the development of efficient powertrains and sets the course for an all-electric future: The brand with the three-pointed star pursues the goal to go all-electric, where market conditions allow. Shifting from electric****** to electric-only, the world’s pre******** luxury car company is accelerating toward an emissions-free and software-driven future. The company's efforts are also focused on the intelligent connectivity of its vehicles, autonomous driving and new mobility concepts as Mercedes-Benz regards it as its aspi
ration and obligation to live up to its responsibility to society and the environment.