凭借优越的产品品质与出色的服务质量,鲁信睿浩赢得了行业内一致赞誉。公司业务已遍及37个国家和地区,遍布亚洲、欧洲、北美等主要城市,合作项目数量接近450个,合作客户包括迪士尼、漫威、乐高乐园等海内外知名主题乐园及品牌,致力为亚太地区乃至全球娱乐文化产业建立卓越品牌形象。同时,鲁信睿浩已为全球超过70,000块影院银幕提供服务,触达率约40%,合作客户遍及万达、金逸、大地、英皇、台湾新光、香港MCL、Cinemex、Cine Columbia等国内外主流院线。
Luxin-Rio was founded in Qingdao, Shandong in 2013, with 436.1 million RMB register capital. We provide a whole-chain solution including R&D, production, global distribution, cinema software & equipment integration, operation, and management services for cinemas, theme parks, zoos, aquariums, museums. We are dedicated to creating world-class 3D/4D cinema systems, show control systems, interactive products such as flying theatre, VR/E sports gaming, holographic projection, and many other applications for our clients.
Thanks to its quality products and services, Luxin-Rio now boasts an illustrious credit list which includes some of the most respected names in theme park such as Disney, Marvel, Legoland, and cinema, like Wanda, Emperor Entertainment, Cinemex, etc., across major cities in Asia, Europe, and North America. Our services touch over 70,000 screens globally.
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