公司成立于2005年6月6日,专注矿业建筑业细分轮胎产品的方案设计、研发、质量控制、品牌运营和轮胎管理,致力于成为国际领先的矿业建筑业轮胎应用解决方案专家。 成立十七年来,技术立企的初心从未改变。目前,泰凯英可为客户提供子午线工程轮胎、斜交工程轮胎、卡客车子午线轮胎,并开发了轮胎智能管理系统泰科仕(TIKS)等增值服务,可为起重机、宽体车、刚卡、装载机、井下铲运机等数十种工程机械提供场景定制化轮胎解决方案。 在配套市场,泰凯英已成功为三一、徐工、中联重科、利勃海尔、山特维克等全球40余家知名主机厂商提供轮胎原配服务。截止目前,泰凯英轮胎已服务于全球160多个国家的矿山、建筑、港口等企业。 自成立以来,公司始终贯彻“客户导向、协作共赢、持续改进、主动担当、诚实守信”五大价值观,坚持建设高标准要求高人性关怀的文化氛围,并在十余年的探索中逐渐形成了“狼性工作,品味生活”的企业文化,力求与员工共同创造更多价值的同时,享受幸福生活。Techking positions itself to be a tire solutions provider. Utilizing its engineering sources, Techking develops different tire categories such as radial OTR, bias OTR, truck tires and passenger car tires for the worldwide market. Techking also invests many sources on tire management and tire service, aiming to provide long term and sustainable solutions for its users.Techking registers its brand in over 163 countries, with more than 40 tire patents. Techking tires have been serving 88 countries, with 10 compounds to explore the most optimized tire performance for different applications. Techking is also a proud supplier of up to 10 large OE manufacturers home & abroad.We keep ‘Happy work, Enjoy life’ as whole team motto. We admire the attitude like this, Passion, Persistent, Positive and Proactive. We provide the talent people a wide platform in the industry. Join Techking, Practice dream! For more information, please visit the website at www.techking.com
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