北京威顿(郓城)玻璃制品有限公司于 2016 年 8 月组建成立,注册资金 23300 万元。公 司前身为一轻控股北京玻璃集团旗下北京威顿玻璃制品有限公司,拥有 30 年历史,因响应 国家疏解非首都功能,整体搬迁至山东郓城。搬迁后,硬件及各项配套设施均大幅提升,更 是成为国内促进当地玻璃产业高端化转型、启动新旧动能转换的关键项目。公司主要进行高 端玻璃化妆品包装瓶的生产制造。企业优势在于技术工艺先进、安全可靠、清洁环保,大大 降低了投资和运营成本。自 2018 年五月份正式投产以来,我公司依托完善的管理模式和进 口的生产、检验设备,年生产量达 2.7 亿件。目前,产品主要服务于欧莱雅、资生堂、宝洁、 百雀羚、上海家化、等国内外知名化妆品客户,部分产品出口。
公司具有雄厚的技术优势。具备独立设计模具优势,保证生产过程中在模具结构、材质、工 艺水平与产品生产的适宜性;可以进行吹制、压吹和一次压制等各种工艺的模制瓶生产;可 对瓶罐进行喷涂、丝印、烫金、贴标等装饰加工。
公司始终坚持“产品质量是立命之基,安全环保是安身之本”的生产理念,并将不断加强质量 管控体系,健全完善包装检验体系,充分发挥设备优势、技术优势、人才优势、人气优势, 不断提升企业竞争力,力争将威顿品牌打造成为化妆品玻璃制品行业亚洲前列供应商。
Beijing Wheaton(Yuncheng) Glass Co.,Ltd.,established in August ,2016 and with its registered capitals of 0.233 billion RMB,was YIQING HOLDING CO.,LTD.BEIJING glass group with its history of 30 years.In response to national call for alleviating the pressure of the capital of Beijing,which leading to the allocation to the Yuncheng,Shandong.After that,all various kinds of hard wares and supporting facilities have been improved at a large scale,and it’s also become a crucial project transiting the local glass industry to a high-end level and converting from old to new growth drivers.The company mainly manufactures superior cosmetic packaging bottles.The strength for the enterprise is based on its advanced technological process.safety&reliability as well as cleaning and the environmental-friendly,which lowered the investment and operation cost dramatically.Since its official opening at May,2018,in accordance with its management mode and imported manufacture,inspection devices,the annual production volume reaches 270 millions of pieces.Currently,the primary customers include L’ORÉAL,Shiseido,P&G,Jahwa and other renown customers both at home and abroad,of which is imported directly.
In order to cultivate the further communications with clients,BWG has set up Shanghai-based and Guangzhou-based office so as to communicate with the clients more feasibly.
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