Concentrix 在Synnex在全球流程服务行业的独立部门,是客户互动、技术和流程创新领域的全球领导者。我们能够在与顾客的互动中,帮助客户实现他们的目标。我们在全球 36 个国家拥有45,000 名员工,可通过 40 多种语言为客户提供服务,帮助客户实现全球覆盖并获得超凡的客户体验。我们的专有技术组合包括领先的可优化客户互动各个方面的应用程序,如预测性分析、客户智能、活动管理、知识传递等等。同时, 作为世界十强之一的客户关系管理运营公司,Concentrix也是IBM的重要战略伙伴。我们提供的客户关系管理外包服务仍然是IBM为其客户提供的整体服务中必不可少的一环。
         我们也是一家以人为本的商业服务供应商 - 时刻以我们的客户、客户的客户和我们的员工为中心。我们倾听他们的心声、了解他们的想法、关怀他们并向他们倾注全部。我们坚信要以更快的速度加快业务产出,坚信要通过不断的努力让我们所做的每一件事都能为客户带来实实在在的业务价值。这些信念加上我们世界一流的服务能力,就是各行各业众多知名公司长期选择 Concentrix 为他们实施关键客户战略和运营的原因所在。

Concentrix Corporation is the global business services division of Synnex Corporation and a global leader in Customer Engagement, Technology and Process Innovation. We pride ourselves on delivering the highest value from every customer interaction. With 45,000 employees speaking over 40 languages in 36 countries, we provide our clients with the global reach essential for scale and a consistently superior customer experience. Our proprietary technology portfolio includes leading-edge applications that optimize nearly every aspect of customer engagement, including predictive analytics, customer intelligence, campaign management, knowledge delivery and much more. Meanwhile, as the top 10 Customer Relationship Management Company, Concentrix has the important strategic partnership with IBM. Customer Care service we provided is still the essential part of IBM's integrated service.
We are a business services provider centered around people – our clients, their customers and our staff. We listen to them, understand them, care for them and invest in them. We believe in bringing visibility and accountability to every relationship, working with heightened velocity to accelerate business outcomes, and striving to deliver real business value in everything we do. These beliefs matched with our world-class capabilities are why some of the biggest names in a broad spectrum of industries hire Concentrix over the long-term to fulfill their critical customer strategies and operations.