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骏德酒业是一家专注于从事进口葡萄酒商业流通及运营的企业。成立于90年代,2000年开始专注于进口葡萄酒的经营,并于2001开设中国首家酒类专卖店,至今在酒类行业屹立了近二十年。在骏德酒业涉足葡萄酒领域的十年,香港和中国的葡萄酒市场都经历了巨大的变化,骏德酒业也取得长足的发展。骏德酒业秉承“世界名酿荟萃,真诚与众共享”的宗旨,以“引领葡萄酒饮用潮流”为目标,以“传播葡萄酒文化”为引力,以“全心全意为客户提供健康、优质、纯正、放心葡萄酒”为己任,为中国消费者呈现世界级的葡萄酒;骏德酒业销售网络遍布香港、澳门和中国内地,在北京、上海、广州等全国多个城市设有连锁专卖店,目前品牌专卖店超过八十家。另外,销售渠道还渗透至星级酒店、高级中餐厅、高级西餐厅、时尚会所等直控终端。多年来,骏德酒业始终坚持对卓越品质的不懈追求,全部产品由原产地直接进口,并在特聘专家团队的监测下,以高性价比为标准,引进最优质和最符合消费者口味的葡萄酒。截止目前骏德酒业已代理来自全球十个国家24个品牌的上千款葡萄,其中包括来自法国的杜夫系列、雷臣系列、斯诺美系列、蒙富来系列、伯爵玫瑰系列等;意大利的卡奥系列;西班牙禾富玛莎系列、里奥哈系列;德国查理天使系列;美国美利纳帕谷系列;澳大利亚伟度尔精选系列、莎莲娜系列、宾利系列;智利碧桃丝与安丽卡系列等世界著名产酒国的精选葡萄酒。为了维持葡萄酒最好的品质,我们还配备大型恒温、保湿、仿真式酒窖仓库,保证葡萄酒在合适的温度、湿度下保存。另外,骏德酒业还致力于传播葡萄酒文化,引领葡萄酒饮用风尚,通过内容丰富的葡萄酒知识培训,和形式多样的酒宴活动,让葡萄酒爱好者更近距离地接触多元化的葡萄酒文化!Jointek Fine Wines (JFW) established in 1990’s, has over 20 years experience in the hospitality industry and is one of the leading importers of international wine brands in China. In 2000 JFW began to focus on the growing wine market and opened its first wine shop in 2001. The wine market in China and Hong Kong has experienced tremendous changes and immense growth over the past few years. Jointek Fine Wines has prospered and developed enormously during this period and is consistently gaining greater brand awareness, strength and market respect!JFW continues to expand its distributions networks in Hong Kong, Macau, and China, establishing regional offices in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, together with wholesalers in various second or third tier cities. Clients include major 5 stars hotels, top-end western restaurants, leading Chinese restaurants, private clubs, night-clubs, supermarkets and retail stores. With a commitment to a quality retail experience for our customers over 80 JFW wine shops can be found all over China -in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian, Chengdu, Qingdao, to name a few.JFW imports wine directly from the country of origin. At presence we carry over 1000 wines from 24 different brands in 10 countries, i.e. Dourthe, Chateau Reysson, Serame, Chateau Montfollet and Baron Rose from France, Caiarossa from Italy; Vallformosa from Spain; Schales from Germany; Merryvale Napa Valley from USA, Windowrie, Salena, Capelvale and Penley from Australia, Bulduzzi & Anakena from Chile etc. In addition, all wines are selected by our leading industry professionals. We have developed close relationships with our suppliers and together we work on quality control. In line with international bench marking and industry expectations on quality control, we store all imported wines in temperature controlled warehouses. We provide tailor made services to suit customer needs, such as exclusive wine tastings and dinners, educational seminars and staff training sessions with international suppliers, and consultancy advice in contemporary cellar design.Jointek Fine Wines would like to thank you for your love of fine wines and quality products. Our mission and philosophy is to continue to provide China and Hong Kong wine lovers with high quality, value for money wines from all around the world.Enjoy Life – Enjoy Wines公司网站:http://www.jointekfinewines.com联 系 人:人事行政部电 话:(020)62366333传 真:(020)62366388电子邮箱:HR@jointekfinewines.com地 址:广州市江南大道中94号 具体位置 公交地铁 周边环境 周边职位 发送到手机邮政编码:510220※ 发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称:广州骏德贸易有限公司 ·惊讶:她竟然知道谁看过简历!