TNT China
市场/广告/会展/公关,商贸/进出口 ,仓储/物流/交通运输|外商独资/代表处|1000人以上
About TNTTNT集团是全球领先的快递邮政服务供应商,为企业和个人客户提供全方位的快递和邮政服务。总部位于荷兰的TNT集团,在欧洲和亚洲提供高效的递送网络,并且正通过在全球范围内扩大运营分布来最大幅度的优化网络效能。 TNT拥有151,000名员工,分布在200多个国家和地区。TNT中国大陆成立于1988年,主要提供国际快递和国内公路快运服务。在国际快递方面,它拥有34家国际快递分公司和3个国际快递口岸,全国有超过2000名员工。TNT是全球第一家获得“投资于人”认证的企业。2009年,TNT连续第三年在道琼斯可持续发展指数(DJSI)评估的千余家上市公司中位列榜首,并再次荣获 “工业产品和服务”领域“超级行业领袖”美誉。TNT在中国获得的荣誉还有:中国十大最佳雇主、最佳商业品牌奖,员工健康与安全大奖,中国杰出企业领袖奖,2009最佳人力资源典范企业,2009最佳企业文化典范,2009最具人气雇主等等。更多公司信息,请登陆www.tnt.com.cn。TNT provides businesses and consumers worldwide with an extensive range of services for their mail and express delivery needs. Headquartered in the Netherlands, TNT offers efficient network infrastructures in Europe and Asia and is expanding operations worldwide to maximize its network performance. TNT serves more than 200 countries and employs more than 151,000 people.Established in 1988 in China, TNT China offers international express services and domestic road transportation services. It has 34 international express branches and 3 international gateways and employs more than 2,000 people across the country.TNT is the first organization achieved global recognition as an Investor in People. In 2009, TNT earned the highest score of over 1000 companies included in Down Jones Sustainability Index for the third consecutive year, and again named as global ‘Supersector leader’ for ‘Industrial Goods and Services’ .TNT also gains a lot of awards in China, such as Best Employer, SuperBrand and 5 Star Health & Safety Management System, China's Top Leaders, Best HRM Companies, Best Corporate Culture Management of 2009, Most Popular Employer of 2009 etc. More information about TNT can be found on its website www.tnt.com.cn.公司网站:http://www.tnt.com.cn http://www.tnthr.com.cn联 系 人:HR
杭州市江干区九堡九环路60号1号厂房2楼联系人:江小姐,冯小姐,刘小姐电话:0571 28988573,28988567,28988569 公司提供城南和城西出发的班车。